
Design Thinking

Design Thinking at the HPI Academy 

The HPI Academy is a Design Thinking pioneer in Europe. We have been training and developing professionals since 2009. We offer workshops and longer formats for different levels of experience. 

In addition, our HPI Certification Program for Design Thinking Coaches is one of the best and most comprehensive training programs on the German-speaking market. 

Also, the combination of Design Thinking with other disciplines is unique to the HPI Academy. This is because our offerings in the field of Leadership, IT & Digitalisation, Transformation and Innovation are always closely linked to the Design Thinking method. A very pronounced practical orientation and teaching of the latest scientifically sound content particularly distinguishes our formats. 

Through our partnerships with renowned business schools such as Stanford (Center for Professional Development), ESMT Berlin and HEC Paris and the integration of guest speakers from the business world, participants gain exciting insights into the practical world. 

Based on more than ten years of experience, the HPI Academy has developed the “Design Thinking Mindset for Innovation”, which consists of six elements and describes the foundation for successful innovation and transformation. 


AI and Design Thinking – The Creative Alliance

AI and Design Thinking – The Creative Alliance

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Measuring what matters: The impact of Design Thinking

Measuring what matters: The impact of Design Thinking

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Selected Workshops

For me

Workshop / Program Next events Location Language Costs Information


From Design Thinking to agile development

  • Design Thinking
  • IT & Digitalization
Potsdam German 2500 €
plus VAT

New Program

Design Thinking Teaching Practitioner

  • Certificate
  • Design Thinking
Potsdam Bilingual: German and English 4950 €
plus VAT


Design Thinking Team Facilitator

  • Certificate
  • Design Thinking
Potsdam & Online Bilingual: German and English 9900 €
plus VAT


Design Thinking Coach

  • Certificate
  • Design Thinking
Potsdam & Online Bilingual: German and English 15750 €
plus VAT


Design Thinking and Corporate Change

  • Design Thinking
  • Innovation & Transformation
Potsdam & Berlin English 3500 €
plus VAT

New Workshop

AI and Design Thinking – The Creative Alliance

  • Design Thinking
  • IT & Digitalization
Potsdam German 2400 €
plus VAT

New Workshop

Design Thinking Foundations: Mindset & Process

  • Design Thinking
Potsdam Bilingual: German and English 3000 €
plus VAT

New Workshop

Mastering Design Thinking: Method Deep Dive

  • Design Thinking
Potsdam Bilingual: German and English 3000 €
plus VAT

For teams and companies

Workshop / Program Information


Design Thinking Advanced

  • Design Thinking


From Design Thinking Prototypes to Agile Projects

  • Design Thinking
  • IT & Digitalization


Design Thinking Sprint

  • Design Thinking


Measuring and Evaluating  Design Thinking

  • Design Thinking
  • Leadership


Introduction to Design Thinking

  • Design Thinking


Design Thinking and Corporate Change

  • Design Thinking

Design Thinking

  • Design Thinking is a systematic approach to solve complex problems and goes far beyond the classic Design disciplines.

  • Design Thinking is more than just a process. Methods and tools alone are not enough to drive innovation in companies and organizations. For many experts, researchers and practitioners, the key to successful innovation and transformation lies in shifting the mindset.

  • An overview of the most important terms and definitions of Design Thinking.

  • As experts in the field of Design Thinking, we regularly publish e.g. papers, articles and anthologies. An overview of all relevant publications on the topic of Design Thinking can be found here.

More Information


Design Thinking in action

Where do companies profit from Design Thinking and other agile methods? How do organizations implement this innovative approach in concrete terms and with what measurable effects?

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Design Thinking at HPI

Innovative thinking, creative teamwork and finding user-oriented solutions: These are just a few aspects and strengths of the method. But how does design thinking work in practice?

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