
AI and Design Thinking - The Creative Alliance

Want to expand your creative skills and take your projects to the next level? Then dive into the fascinating alliance of design thinking and artificial intelligence (AI). At a time when AI technology is advancing rapidly, new opportunities are opening up for using AI to create value. The use of AI in design thinking has the potential to take the innovation process to a new level!

Let’s explore together how you can use AI as a creative partner to expand your capabilities and make the most of your resources. With AI-powered tools, you’ll increase the diversity of perspectives in problem space exploration and solution design, and make better-informed decisions while creating empathetic solutions that masterfully combine emotion and efficiency.


  1. Discover how to overcome the limitations of previous design thinking skills with AI and complement your strengths to move projects forward faster and more efficiently without constantly relying on external resources.
  2. Learn how to use AI-powered tools to take broader and more nuanced perspectives, discover hidden connections, and identify and address potential biases.
  3. See how you create potential future scenarios using AI tools and play out different possibilities with AI as your virtual partner to make informed and strategic decisions to set your projects on the path to success.
  4. Explore how to achieve the optimal balance between AI efficiency and human empathy work in design thinking. Dive into techniques from improvisational theater, prototyping, and ethnography to integrate AI-generated output into your own learning process and enrich it with human emotions, values, and experiences.

Key Facts

Vor Ort


3 Day

Workshop language

German (English on request)


The workshop will take place in a hybrid setup on site at HPI: an innovative mix of digital and analog elements that combines the best of working with AI and empathic teamwork.

Target audience

  • Individuals with prior knowledge of design thinking who want to expand their skillset to include AI tools.
  • Interested people who are curious and want to explore Artificial Intelligence in the context of creativity, even without prior knowledge of using tools like ChatGPT, Canva and Uizard.
  • Professionals from various industries who want to take their innovation projects to a new level by using AI tools.


2.400 EUR (Early-Bird-Price is valid until 14 days before the workshop starts, afterwards 3.000 EUR, plus VAT)

Included in the workshop

  • Participation, working materials
  • Full board and happy hour
  • Monthly license for the AI tools used, so that further experimentation can be done afterwards.

More information

  • “AI” is a multifaceted term and encompasses various concepts, technologies and tools that are continuously growing. In this workshop, we focus less on the technology behind it and more on what you can do with it. The focus will be mainly on the use of “ChatGPT” as a voice and text based chatbot, and “Canva” and “Uizard” as AI design tools (more tools will be presented).
  • No prior knowledge of using these tools is required, as we support their use.
  • We ask all participants to bring their own functional laptop, as there will be some individual and pair work in places, allowing for more efficient experimentation.

Read more about the workshop topic in the accompanying white paper: Five theses shed light on the interplay between AI and design thinking and the potential in detail.


The duration of the workshop is 3 Days. For a convenient arrival and departure time, the first Day starts at 10:15 am and the last Day ends at 4:00 pm.

The focus of the workshop is on trying things out: In an alternation of team, pair and individual work, we go directly into application, always under the moderation and guidance of our experienced Design Thinking Coaches.

The workshop consists of the following three blocks:

Block 1: DT process run with AI as a creative partner.

You will dive into the Design Thinking process as a team and experience what ChatGPT can do as an additional “team member” in an interplay of input, output & reflection.

Block 2: The art of prompt engineering with a focus on design thinking

You will learn how to multiply your opportunities along the design thinking process through skillful formulation of prompts and targeted use of extra features in ChatGPT.

Block 3: Design Skills for Non-Designers: Creating Digital Prototypes with AI

Here you’ll experiment with different AI design tools and learn how to create digital prototypes and scenarios at an impressive speed.

Your coaches

Samuel Tschepe

Samuel Tschepe

Workshopleiter KI & Design Thinking

Learn more

Participant votes

The practice-oriented format inspires and networks "pioneers and practitioners" for a cross-industry exchange of experience. Enables a quick immersion into the fascinating possibilities of AI and shows concrete starting points and tools on how to integrate the AI tool into the design thinking process immediately.
The HPI workshop combines inputs with experiential learning and provides a practice space for experienced Design Thinking practitioners who want to apply AI in their innovation work!

Klaus Weissmann

Founder & CEO weissmann innovation gmbh

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Participant votes

The workshop on Design Thinking and AI was a revelation in terms of integrating Artificial Intelligence into the Design Thinking process. We have worked intensively to identify where the use of AI will raise the quality and speed of our processes to a new level. It was particularly enlightening to recognize the moments when human creativity and intuition are irreplaceable to ensure the sustainability and depth of the results. This workshop is a must for anyone who wants to stay up to date in the field of design thinking and AI and fully exploit the potential of this synergy.

Michael Zarm

Department Head KPMG Innovate

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Also interesting

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New chapter, new paths – the merger to form the HPI d-school

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All Dates

Workshop / Program Date Location Language Costs Information


AI and Design Thinking – The Creative Alliance

Potsdam German 2400 €
plus VAT


AI and Design Thinking – The Creative Alliance

Potsdam German 2400 €
plus VAT