
3 Day Workshop

Design Thinking Foundations: Mindset & Process

Immerse yourself in the world of Design Thinking at the Hasso Plattner Institute, the global Design Thinking Pioneer! In this three-day workshop you will experience a versatile introduction to the basic principles of design thinking. Perfect for anyone who wants to understand the potential of design thinking for complex challenges and human-centered solutions! Discover how you can develop value-creating solutions through the interplay of an innovative mindset and structured processes and methods.


  • Discover innovation & creativity: Experience, learn and understand the thinking and working methods of design thinking in a versatile, experience-oriented, practical way.
  • Design thinking as a mindset: Learn and reflect through various exercises what the much-used term “mindset” means in design thinking and what role it plays.
  • Design Thinking as a process: Go through the individual process steps including basic methods and reflect on their Goals and how they work.

Key Facts


3 Day

Workshop language

German (exception: the dates in March and September are held bilingually German-English)


HPI d-school Professional Development in Potsdam

Target audience

This format is aimed at people from all professions and all company sizes who are frequently confronted with complex problems in their everyday work and would like an initial introduction to Design Thinking.


EUR 3,000 (plus VAT)

Included in the workshop

  • Full board and happy hour
  • Working materials
  • one coach per max. six participants
  • a digital follow-up

More information

We also offer this workshop exclusively for companies – you are welcome to bring your own project or challenge.


  • Experienced coaches and interdisciplinary learning: Benefit from the expertise of our Design Thinking Coaches and the exchange in an interdisciplinary team.
  • Network expansion and new perspectives: make valuable contacts with people from a wide range of professional backgrounds.
  • Inspiring learning environment: Use our specially equipped Design Thinking rooms for joint creative work.
  • Extensive resources for follow-up: Receive photo documentation, materials and literature recommendations to immediately apply what you have learned in practice.
  • Exclusive alumni network: Become part of the HPI alumni network and receive invitations to special Design Thinking events.


Day 1: Introduction and mindset

We start with an introduction to the concept of design thinking, followed by an in-depth, practical exploration of the design thinking mindset. Interactive exercises help to understand and reflect on this mindset.

Day 2: The design thinking process, part 1

Dive into the first three phases of the Design Thinking process and then work out the meaning and functionality of the phases and methods together with your team and coach.

Day 3: The design thinking process, part 2

On the last day, the focus is on the exploration of the solution space in Design thinking. In the teamruns Du first go through the remaining three phases of the process and then sit down again reflecting with your your learning experience.

Follow-Up (online)

The follow-up meeting following the workshop offers participants the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with an HPI coach approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the course. This supports a sustainable learning experience: What could be transferred from the workshop into everyday work? What obstacles or challenges have emerged? What did the content do or change? Would you like to deepen your expertise? We show you connection possibilities in our Design Thinking universe and beyond.

Your coaches

Participants' testimonials

This workshop was the best I have attended so far. The way the content and the mindset were conveyed was extremely good: comprehensibility, letting people finish, empathizing with the participants, etc. Big praise to the coaches, who were patient and understanding, always kept us together as a team and helped us back on the right track when we were lost - I really enjoyed it, thank you very much! Location, tools and theme - everything at its best!

Michael Mey

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Participants' testimonials

Great challenge, great team and atmosphere. Our coach gave us the necessary freedom, while at the same time guiding us in a structured manner. Very instructive and inspiring!

Katrin Wrage

Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

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All Dates

Workshop / Program Date Location Language Costs Information


Design Thinking Foundations: Mindset & Process

Potsdam Bilingual: German and English 3000 €
plus VAT


Design Thinking Foundations: Mindset & Process

Potsdam German 3000 €
plus VAT