Chair representative of Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner

Dr. Michael Perscheid


Dr. Michael Perscheid

Dr. Michael Perscheid is Prof. Dr. Hasso Plattner’s deputy at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for Digital Engineering, University of Potsdam. His responsibilities include the overall coordination and management of teaching, research, project activities, and industry partnerships of the Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts (EPIC) research group. This includes leading and advising academic research teams at the undergraduate, master’s, and PhD levels.



After graduating from HPI in 2008, Michael completed his dissertation in computer science under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld at the HPI Research School “Service-Oriented System Engineering”.w He then joined SAP Innovation Center in 2014 and worked mainly in the area of development experience and programming models. He was project leader for Machine Learning in the Future Corporate Management Group and coordinated projects such as the book “The In-Memory Revolution” published by Hasso Plattner and Bernd Leukert as well as Hasso Plattner’s SAPPHIRE keynotes since 2014.

Since 2015, Michael has been Head of Chairman and Strategic Projects at SAP. In this role, he led highly skilled, results-oriented, and technology-driven development teams to deliver tangible results for high-priority requests from SAP’s Executive and Supervisory Boards. With an agile and flexible setup, they realized strategic projects such as the implementation of proof of concepts, the support of keynotes and papers or the creation of reports on latest trends. In May 2020, he received a request for a special strategic project and returned to the Hasso Plattner Institute to lead Professor Plattner’s department and strengthen the collaboration with SAP. His research interests range from enterprise data management on the latest hardware, to the design and architecture of modern enterprise applications, to addressing post-acquisition integration challenges. In 2021, Michael was awarded an ACM Senior Membership.