In hardly any other industry is there as much discussion about permanent change as in retail. For decades now, people have been talking about the influence of the Internet on traditional, stationary retail, but despite various innovations, over 90% of food purchases will still be made in traditional retail in 2022.
Masterclass: Future of X - Retail
The future of (retail) trade
In the case of books, the share of online and mail-order sales is as high as 60% (source: Statista 2022).
Traditional customer segments are increasingly shifting and data-driven business models and automation are making their way into brick & mortar. Companies that have previously been successful with their online business are opening physical offices to be closer to their customers and, with this step, are also transferring the logics from the digital world to an analog environment.
Using new technologies, the point of sale is transformed into a space where brand messages and identities can be experienced in an immersive way. Customer demand for shortened supply chains, regionality, and sustainability presents retailers with a costly challenge, and finding staff that is skilled in using new technologies, whether live video shopping or tokenizing the business model in the metaverse, is also proving extremely difficult.
- The masterclass provides an outlook on changing lifestyles in the next five to ten years with a focus on the retail industry
- You will learn about those technological, social and economic trends that will most influence purchasing in the future
- In entertaining working groups you develop first application examples for your industry
- We enable you to evaluate emerging issues in the retail environment and assess the impact on your business
Key Facts
1 Day
The Masterclass takes place in a group of maximum 25 participants
Workshop language
HPI Academy, Potsdam
Target audience
The Masterclass is aimed at employees in retail and retail-related companies, regardless of size. In the future, companies and their employees must be able to act, speak and provide information in the face of rapid developments in new technologies and social and economic trends in the retail sector. This is the only way you can react to new impulses from outside in the shortest possible time or even be a trendsetter and innovation driver yourself in the future.
In the future, companies and their employees must be able to act, speak and provide information in the face of rapid developments in new technologies as well as social and economic trends.
This is the only way you can react to new impulses from outside in the shortest possible time or even be a trendsetter and innovation driver yourself in the future.
1.000 EUR (plus VAT)
More information
Registration deadline is two weeks before the respective date
The Masterclass lecturers will show you possible futures of the retail industry in several, short impulses. By means of clearly formulated hypotheses and practical examples, they will give you a compact overview of trade in the coming years, which will serve as a basis for discussions and entertaining workshop sessions in small groups. You will learn how mobility, nutrition, housing and health, among others, will be connected to retail in the future, which methods can be used to work on this future, and then apply this knowledge to develop initial ideas and application examples for your future projects.
Impulses on future lifestyles, working on the future and trends and theses on the future of financial services, each followed by discussions and entertaining work sessions in small groups for reflection and transfer of what has been learned to one’s own company.
Part 1
Impulse and working session
Part 2
Impulse and reflection