
Carina Stöttner

Carina Stöttner, sociologist and media scientist, lives and works by choice in a wide variety of European cities and has developed a deep understanding of intercultural interaction and the development of Europe in a digital era. This perspective inspires her to help Europe’s corporate elite shape the European and global economy through future knowledge. Carina is fascinated by artificial intelligence, bots, hybrid societies and virtual interactions. As part of her double master’s in Italy, Carina has been particularly interested in the implementation of culture in artificial intelligence. As a long-time ambassador for the DAAD, she reported on her time abroad on social media and blogs and still gives regular talks on the subject. At Lufthansa in Digital Innovations, she was responsible for the social media activities of the international markets. She also worked in the communications industry for several years. Before joining Themis Foresight, she was a think tank curator at the futurology institute 2b AHEAD. She offers expert knowledge on the following topics: Futures Research, Social Media, Human-digital Interactions, Artificial Intelligence, B2C and B2B Marketing.