Behind the Scences

Two-Minute Interview with Samuel Tschepe

Samuel started at HPI nine years ago, has been working at the HPI Academy for eight years, and is now primarily working as a Program Lead with a focus on the Certification Program for Design Thinking Coaches. 


1. Who or what inspires you?

Oha lot! Ill name three things: First, my mother  if someone ever makes a documentary about empathic listening, theres no way around her. Second, I am inspired by people who have a passion for something and for that reason excel at what they do. And third, I love nature and draw a lot of strength from it  its been an absolute feel-good place since I was a child! 

2. What else urgently needs to be invented?

Peaceful, sustainable global coexistence. 

3. What excites you about Design Thinking?  

What excites me about Design Thinking is the continuous effort to tap into the creative design potential that we all have within us, and to use it to create a desirable future together. To this I would like to add: there is still a lot of room for improvement in the meaningful use of Design Thinking!